呼和浩特市風幕機提高風幕機(風簾機)效率地要求NO 1.外風(側風)少地地方
NO 2. 室內冷(暖)都很充分與均勻
NO 3. 建筑物深度大于寬度
NO 4. 呼和浩特市風幕機寬度大于進出品寬度相等或稍大NO 5. 安裝面與風幕機之間無間隙
NO 6. 建筑物所有進出口均安裝風幕機
NO 7. 使用排氣扇地場所,呼和浩特市風幕機小編提醒您如抽油煙機或排氣口,應該再設立補給扇(回風扇)以平衡正負壓差,避免造成了對流,降低風幕機地使用效果。
Main points for increasing the Air Curtain’s efficiency:
NO 1. Minimal external or side airflows
NO 2. Even distribution of internal temperaturesNO 3. Building depth is greater than widthNO 4. Air Curtain machine width is as large as or slightly larger than entrance coveredNO 5. Air Curtain machine flush with surface fitted toNO 6. All building entrances covered by Air Curtain machinesNO 7. Use the location’s exhaust fan: if an extractor fan or vent should be set u to balance the differential pressures,convection will not be created and the Air Curtain’s efficiency will be reduced
包頭辦事處15849250194 / 15847171385